Turquoise Dental


Will I feel pain during or after the procedure ?

Thanks to modern techniques and anesthetics, patients do not feel pain during the procedure. Minor tooth sensitivity in the first few days after treatment is a normal expected side effect.

Can Root Canal Treatment Be Done to All Teeth ?

Successful results are obtained by performing root canal treatment in many teeth. In some cases, since the root canal tips cannot be accessed (the doctor cannot reach the root tip because the canals are too narrow, thin or too curved or even some canals are blocked), the root is severely broken, the tooth does not have sufficient bone support, or the tooth is too damaged to be restored. because it cannot be recovered.

Will there be pain again in the root canal treated tooth? What to do in case of pain again?

A tooth that has undergone root canal treatment is a tooth that has lost its vitality. However, it continues to function in the mouth. Just like any other tooth, it can become infected again. Inflammation may recur at the root tip. If there is pain in a tooth with signs of re-infection and root canal treatment has been applied, re-canal treatment is applied to the tooth. Your dentist will decide on the appropriate treatment and will guide you.

(Canal Treatment) What is Endodontic Treatment?

Inside the tooth, under the hard layers called enamel and dentin, there is a soft tissue called pulp (tooth nerve). The pulp contains blood vessels and nerves. Root canal treatment is necessary when the pulp tissue within the root canal is damaged and inflamed. The aim of this treatment is to keep the patient’s own tooth in the mouth as much as possible and to ensure that the tooth continues to function even if it loses its vitality.

For Which Teeth Is Root Canal Treatment Appropriate?

Root canal treatment should be performed in teeth that are painful, have long-term sensitivity to hot or cold, are sensitive to touch and chewing, have discoloration of the tooth, swelling and discharge in the nearby bone and gingival tissues. Sometimes, however, the pulp tissue may be damaged even if it does not show any symptoms. Pulp damage can have various causes; The most common cause is deep caries in the tooth. However, it is also possible to indirectly affect the pulp in some gingival diseases. In addition, fractures and cracks that may occur in the tooth due to a trauma to the tooth may also cause pulp damage.

How Does Root Canal Treatment Save The Tooth And How Long Does It Live?

The dentist removes the inflamed or infected pulp and surrounding tissues from the inside of the tooth with suitable sterile instruments, cleans the inside of the root canal carefully with suitable solutions and shapes it for suitable filling materials, then fills the root canal completely and impermeably. He then places a veneer or other restoration (composite or onlay) on the crown of the tooth (the upper part we chew) to preserve and restore the tooth’s function. After restoration, the root canal treated tooth continues to function like any other tooth. If it is restored well and good oral hygiene is provided, the tooth that has had root canal treatment can remain in the mouth for life under the control of a regular dentist.

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