Turquoise Dental

Dental Prostheses

What is Laminate Veneer ?

Laminate porcelain is also known as porcelain laminate or leaf porcelain among the people. It is a thin porcelain structure with a thickness of 0.3-0.7 mm, which is made on the front surface of the teeth when designing a smile.
If the teeth are to be pulled forward (outside) from their current position from time to time, little or no tooth cutting is required on the teeth, while if the teeth are to be positioned thinner or more inward than the current position, it may require more tooth cutting than this amount.

In Which Situations Is Laminated Teeth Preferred?

  • In the discoloration of the tooth that has penetrated into the structure of the tooth and does not pass due to the use of antibiotics
  • In the correction of cases with mild tooth crowding
  • In cases where the teeth are not satisfied in terms of length and shape
  • In cases where teeth are fractured or have been processed too much (such as a filling canal) and the visual integrity is impaired
  • In closing the interdental spaces as a whole

How to Care for Porcelain Laminate Veneers ?

  • In addition to brushing teeth, floss and mouthwash should be used.
  • For hard foods with front teeth, plucking should not be done.
  • If there is a habit of clenching and grinding, a night plate should be used.
  • Nail biting habit should be abandoned.

What are the Advantages of Porcelain Laminate Veneers ?

  • Since it is prepared in a very thin layer, its light transmission and reflection is very close to the natural tooth, and thanks to this feature, it provides an excellent aesthetic.
  • It requires little or even no tooth cutting on the teeth.
  • Since the surfaces of the laminates will be extremely smooth, it minimizes the staining caused by external factors.
  • It has high resistance to abrasion.

What is Zirconium Coating?

It is a material used as the infrastructure of classical porcelain bridge and prosthetic applications. This substance is known as a white-colored alloy applied instead of gray metal. Zirconium tooth coating is a frequently preferred application in the field of dentistry. One of the most important reasons for choosing zirconium in dental coating applications is aesthetic Zirconium tooth coating can be applied to people with advanced color change who cannot achieve functional results with teeth whitening applications.
In orthodontic treatment, zirconium crowns are preferred for discrete or less crooked teeth, in case of rotated teeth, in case of deterioration of the structure of old fillings, in restoration works of teeth with excessive material loss, during bridge or veneer on the teeth in the posterior group, and in prostheses on implants in the anterior group due to its aesthetic results. In addition, it is one of the most preferred methods in successful smile aesthetic studies. The care of teeth with zirconium tooth coating is the same as for other teeth. With dentist checks made at least twice a year, precautions can be taken for problems in zirconium teeth.

How Long Are Zirconium Prostheses Used?

Zirconium is a material that can last for a long time in dental veneer applications. When oral and dental care is carried out regularly and controls are not interrupted, zirconium tooth coating can be used for many years. Tooth coatings made of zirconium material do not have a general lifetime. Since teeth are living tissues, abrasions may occur depending on a certain use. Teeth with zirconium coating do not change. Veneers will be long-lasting when regular dentist checks are made. It is recommended to replace dentures in 10 years for the health of the teeth under the veneers.

What are the Advantages of Zirconium Prostheses ?

  • It is the method that gives the best aesthetic result used in dentistry.
  • It is an alloy closest to the natural tooth color.
  • No metal is applied in the structure of the zirconium tooth
  • Since there is no metal, zirconium tooth coating is a preferred method for individuals with metal allergies.
  • It is the method with the least rate of gingival recession.
  • It gives a result close to the natural tooth color and structure on your teeth.
  • Zirconium crown can be done at any age. Even at an early age, zirconium coating can be applied to keep permanent teeth healthy in the mouth.
  • It is the right choice for patients with gingival diseases to protect their gingival health. After the treatment of gingival diseases, zirconium tooth coating can be applied.

What is All On Four Implant ?

All on four implant technique is a procedure that fixes the dental prosthesis on the same day on four dental implants placed at certain angles in edentulous patients.

How is All On Four Treatment Performed?

Titanium screw mechanism in conventional implants is used in all on four treatment. The biggest difference between conventional implants and all on four implants is how they are positioned inside the mouth. Only 4 implants are sufficient to replace lost teeth in a completely edentulous jaw.
2 implants are placed in the front part where the bone is thick, and 2 implants are placed in the back part of the jawbone.
In the All on four treatment, temporary prostheses are prepared according to the measurements taken from the patients before the treatment. If the patient has teeth to be extracted under local anesthesia, they are extracted and their implants are placed. These temporary prostheses are attached to the implants. After 3 months, the patient’s permanent prostheses are attached.

What are the Advantages of All On Four Implant Treatment ?

  • It is the technique of making fixed dental prosthesis in a single surgical procedure on the same day for edentulous patients.
  • Sinus elevation surgery does not include any advanced surgical procedures such as bone addition.
  • It is suitable for patients who cannot use removable dentures and have nausea reflex.
  • The number of sessions required is small.
  • It provides easy care with proper oral hygiene.

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