Turkuaz Port Clinic

Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery

Situations Where Extraction of the 20-Year-Old Teeth is Necessary

In cases of caries caused by the eruption of the 20-year-old tooth in a place that is difficult to clean and difficult to care for.

When wisdom teeth are semi-impacted or prolapsed, they may cause caries in the adjacent molars due to food accumulation.
When there is a risk of decay in healthy molars, wisdom teeth must be extracted.

In semi-impacted wisdom teeth, infection occurs due to the accumulation of microorganisms between the impacted part and the gingival tissue that covers it. As a result, symptoms such as swelling, bad taste and odor in the mouth, pain, redness and limitation of mouth opening, swelling in the lymph nodes and fever can be seen. This inflammatory process may occur repeatedly with similar complaints by making acute exacerbations. The main treatment for recurrent inflammatory conditions is tooth extraction.

When the wisdom teeth in the reclined position try to erupt, they put pressure on the front teeth and this pressure can cause crowding in the front teeth area.

While trying to erupt the impacted and semi-impacted wisdom teeth, it puts pressure on the adjacent teeth and often creates a feeling of squeezing and pain spreading to all the surrounding teeth.

Cyst formation can be seen in the epithelial tissue surrounding the wisdom teeth. Although cysts are benign pathologies, they cause bone loss when treated. In cysts that reach large sizes, even bone fractures may occur due to bone thinning. For its treatment, wisdom tooth and cyst tissue should be taken together with the surrounding soft tissue.

When wisdom teeth cannot erupt in the normal position, they can erupt in a face-to-cheek side. In this case, the gingiva and buccal mucosa that are not properly formed on the tooth often cause non-healing wounds due to biting.

What is Implant Surgery ?

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root placed in your jaw to hold a tooth. Dental implants are the best option for people who have lost their teeth.
Contrary to what is commonly known; Diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and blood pressure do not prevent implantation. Individuals with diabetes can also have implants if their blood sugar is under control. People who use blood thinners can also have implants provided that their physicians are contacted and the drug doses are adjusted.
Anyone who is systemically healthy and has good oral hygiene can have an implant. Your doctor plans where and how your implant will be placed, and a treatment plan tailored to the needs of each case is created. With advanced anesthesia techniques and advanced technology, no pain is felt during implant operations. As long as the recommendations are followed after the operation, problems such as pain and swelling are not encountered.

What is Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery ?

It is the section where diagnosis and treatment of soft tissues in the oral cavity (cheek, lip, tongue, palate mucosa), pathologies and joint disorders in the teeth and jawbone are carried out. Impacted tooth extraction, 20-year-old extraction, implant surgery, fracture treatment, soft and hard tissue arrangements in preparation for prosthesis and orthodontic treatment, joint operations such as root tip resection (apical resection), cyst operations, graft operations and arthrocentesis are within the scope of the surgical department.

What is Apical Resection ?

We always prefer to go for treatment for teeth that have lost their vitality and are chronically inflamed. If the teeth with chronic inflammation at the root tip are not treated for a long time, it is inevitable to experience tooth loss.
Our primary goal is to treat the teeth and try to keep them in the mouth rather than pulling them out. Teeth with chronic inflammation of the root tip have become highly treatable thanks to the developing treatment procedures.
However, no matter how successful the root canal treatment is, there may be cases where the treatment is insufficient. In such cases, the inflammation may continue to spread to the surrounding teeth and tissues, or it may turn into a cystic state. can be removed and treated.

How Is Apical Resection Performed?

The gingival mucosa is removed by making an incision at the root tip of the inflamed tooth. Infected tissue is cleaned and removed. After the infected part at the root tip of the tooth is removed, the root canal filling is closed with an impermeable tissue material again. The opened gingival mucosa is closed by suturing back and recovery is expected. If the infected tissues are completely removed, a great deal of success is achieved. Thus, it can remain in the mouth for many years without the need for tooth extraction.

What is Sinus Lifting?

The maxillary sinuses are anatomical spaces located on the upper side of the teeth in the area where our maxillary premolars and molars are. Sinuses do the job of humidifying the air we breathe. If the extraction cavity remains toothless for a long time after the loss of molars in the upper jaw, the sinuses hang down and cause a decrease in bone height in that area. Depending on the amount of remaining bone, sinus lifting can be applied and the bone level can be increased.

How Many Different Lifting Methods Are There?

Two different sinus lifts, open or closed, are performed.

  • Closed lifting: In cases where 2-3 mm of bone is needed in the area where the implant is planned, the closed method can be applied. This method is performed in the session where the implant is made. It is a simpler and shorter operation compared to other sinus methods. Since the healing is fast, the time to make the prosthesis after the implant is shortened as much as possible.
  • Open lifting:  It is applied in cases where there is too much sagging in the sinus and more than 2-3 mm of bone is needed. A window is surgically opened in an area close to the sinus floor. The sinus floor is elevated through this opening and new bone formation is expected.

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