Turkuaz Port Clinic

What is Pedodontics?

It is a branch of dentistry that covers the treatment of caries in the primary and permanent teeth of children aged 0-14, trauma treatment, preventive dentistry practices and stopper orthodontic treatments.

Things to Consider in Babies

Causes of dental problems

    • Thumb sucking is a common habit at a young age. It usually goes away on its own by the age of four. The continuation of the habit at the age of permanent teeth eruption leads to structural disorders in these teeth and palate. The cause of these disorders is the pressure exerted by the finger on the front teeth and palate. The degree of impairment that occurs depends on the duration, frequency, and severity of sucking and the position of the finger during sucking.
    • Baby bottle caries are caries that occur in babies and cause major dental health problems later on.

What are the causes of bottle rot?

      • Your baby’s habit of sleeping with a bottle in his mouth at night
      • The habit of adding sweeteners such as sugar, honey and molasses to the milk in the bottle
      • Make sure to drink water after the baby is fed.
      • When the first teeth start to erupt, wipe their teeth with a clean, wet cheesecloth after night and morning feedings.

The use of toothpaste is not recommended in infancy and children up to the age of three. Toothpaste use should be started after the age of three. But 3-5 cm as you can see in the ads. not, the paste as much as a chickpea will be enough for brushing. When using toothpaste, any of the chloride-containing toothpastes can be preferred. The important thing is that the child likes and desires the taste of the chosen paste. It should not be forgotten that an effective brushing process is more important than paste in the brushing process.

Why Do Milk Teeth Rot?

One of the biggest causes of dental caries is that children do not adequately care for their mouth and teeth. They are given to children by dipping them into foods such as sugary milk and fruit juice between sleep. Thus, teeth become prone to decay due to malnutrition. Milk teeth are more prone to decay than normal teeth, they decay more easily and quickly. They realize the event only when the pain is unbearable, in which case it may be too late.

How Can We Protect Milk Teeth ,?

Some materials are used today to reduce the number of caries.

  • Materials we call fissure sealants; Dental caries usually starts in the grooves called “fissures” on the chewing surfaces of the molars and premolars. With the material we mentioned, the grooves are covered and microbes, food residues, etc. By preventing the leakage of the cavities, the onset of caries is prevented. This procedure can also be applied to permanent molars and premolars that erupt from the age of 6 years.
  • Another way to prevent caries is to increase the resistance of teeth to caries. This resistance is gained by applying superficial fluoride to the teeth.

Why should we pay attention to milk teeth?

Decays in milk teeth should be treated without making the mistake of “new ones will replace them anyway”. Caries in milk teeth; It may cause the child to meet with pain at a very young age and have some phobias in the future. In addition, these caries may cause the loss of milk teeth very early.
Milk teeth protect the area they cover for the permanent tooth that will replace them and guide it while the permanent tooth is erupting. When the primary tooth is pulled out early, this natural place-holding function is also eliminated, and they may need expensive and long-lasting orthodontic treatment in the future.

What are the Duties of Milk Teeth?

  • The first duty of milk teeth is to ensure that the child is fed properly. Children with broken and aching teeth cannot eat enough and healthy.
  • Speech and proper tooth development also depend on the presence of deciduous teeth. The crooked teeth caused by the lack of deciduous teeth and the improper closing play an important role in the child’s ability to speak properly.
  • Early loss of milk teeth causes serious aesthetic problems.

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